Church League Softball Team Names

Church League Softball Team Names

  1. Church League Softball Song
  2. Tim Wilson Church League Softball

If you didn’t know there was such a thing as the Boston Church Softball League, you know now! And Trinity Church Boston is a member! We play softball games on Saturdays against other church teams throughout the summer on Boston Common. It's a great chance to meet new people and enjoy Boston in the summertime. 101 Cool Christian Team Names Sep 25, 2020 Feb 19, 2014 by Brandon Gaille The increase of Christianity worldwide has spurred on the growing need for team names that represent the values and belief system of Christianity. Have a local church women’s softball team? Want to join the league? Your Name (required) Your Email (required). Current Standings. Updated Tuesdays.

Church League Softball Team Names2020Fort Smith Church League needs your help! Please reach out to the Fort Smith City Directors and let them know about the positive impact our organization has had on the lives of your children, families and our community. Here is a link to a website that contains their contact information: Fort Smith Church Baseball League has been a Fort Smith tradition and part of the lives of thousands of players and their families for over 50 years. The objective of FSCL has always been to develop players as people and citizens first, with competition being a secondary focus. Without your support, baseball and softball in Fort Smith are likely to change in a manner that is more focused on skill players, rather than our traditional mission. While that is not entirely negative, the FSCL is prepared to move in that direction without losing focus on establishing a welcoming and wholesome environment for players of all skill levels that still affords those same opportunities to the more focused players. There have been several rumors come up surrounding FSCL, and we wanted to take time to present the facts (as we know them), as they stand now. As some of you have heard, the current lease that FSCL has for the use of the ball fields at Kelley Park will be expiring this year. In accordance with this, the City of Fort Smith has issued a request for proposal for any group wanting to use the park for a baseball league. The City is doing this just as they would for use of any other City Park or facility (yes, the fields are actually a City park and are not actually owned by church league). The City of Fort Smith is NOT proposing to end Church League Baseball. However, that is a possibility if the lease is not renewed. In accordance with the request by the City, FSCL will be submitting a proposal to continue offering baseball, while expanding that to include a wider range of players and incorporating girls softball as well. This will allow FSCL to continue to serve the community by providing quality opportunities for play, as FSCL has done for over 50 years, and expand the use of the fields at Kelley park. All improvements to the park - original field construction, all buildings, sidewalks, fencing, concession equipment, batting cages, bleachers, sprinkler systems, playground, etc. - were all paid for by FSCL; although, the recent addition of turf on 4 fields was done with a combination of Fort Smith Church League funds, Fort Smith Fall Ball funds, City funds and private donations. The use of those fields for the overall betterment of the City of Fort Smith is just a solid part of having a healthy parks system. The City is NOT requiring that league play be free to all players. As the member churches of FSCL have done for decades, it is important to make play available to children who may not be able to play due to financial hardship within their family. FSCL will continue to look for ways to provide those opportunities to as many children as possible. Affordability and access will be a key component of the FSCL proposal. Recreational/instructional baseball will continue to be a main focus for FSCL and is not being replaced by travel teams taking over the ball fields. We can improve league play, thus reducing the need for more talented players to pursue play in weekend/travel ball, allowing them, instead, to improve their skills within the structure of their own local league, where their peers from school and church also play. Weekend tournament play will still be a vital part of funding for the league, as it has been for almost 20 years, but that play IS NOT replacing league play. We know of at least one other group that plans to submit a proposal to obtain the lease to the Kelley Park facilities. If that group is awarded the lease, it would likely mean the end of Fort Smith Church League Baseball and shift in focus of baseball programs in Fort Smith. While the future may require some changes, FSCL's core goal of providing a positive influence through baseball (and in the future softball) remains the same. Those that have been a part of Fort Smith Church League and want it to continue can make sure your feelings are known to City officials. Let them know what FSCL has meant and will continue to mean to your family and friends and to Fort Smith and its economy. If you do choose to contact a City Official in support of Fort Smith Church League, please do so in a positive manner. Keep in mind, the goal of the City, in this instance, is to make sure the park is being utilized and maintained in a way that benefits the citizens of Fort Smith. So let them know the ways FSCL has done, and can continue to do that through the coming years.

Church League Softball Song


Tim Wilson Church League Softball

The Harrison County Church Softball League will hold it's annual organizational meeting on Thursday February 28th at 615 pm at Nugent United Methodist Church. Any church that plans to play this year MUST be represented at this meeting. We plan to again have men, women and coed divisions. Entry fees are $250 and will be due at this meeting. You have 28 days to get it collected. Nugent is located at 13183 John Clark Rd in Gulfport (39503). It's at the corner of Old Hwy 49 and John Clark Road.


As we move less than a month before the end of the season it's important to remind everyone that the city only allows us a certain number of nights to get our games in. As we get rain, our schedule will change. Ms Nora is doing every thing she can to leave us enough dates at the end of the season for a tournament. Unfortunately there's nothing we can do about the weather. Please check your schedules!
Just a few things as we are less than a week away from the season start date of May 14.
1. I've received several messages about adding to the roster. Remember, one of the things we changed this year is you can add to roster at anytime (just keep in mind to be eligible to play in the post season tournament you still have to have played in at least four games). When you add someone to the roster, you must turn in a completely new rosters, signed by the pastor.
2. Everyone should pull a new schedule.
3. If you ordered softballs they are in. You can pick them the night of your first game.
4. Don't forget all rosters, under 18 consent forms, at large letters (signed by the at large player's pastor) and the church contact forms are all due night one, before your game begins.
Just a reminder that we will be meeting at 615 tonight at Nugent UMC. Tonight we will be in the red sanctuary building. We'll be in the choir room. You'll enter the back door (faces south), then turn left. We will go over by-laws tonight, including creating the by-laws for co-ed. Below is the list of teams that I have. Please let me know if I've missed someone.
Men - The Well, Campground 1, Campground 2, Northwood, Goodwill, Michael Memorial, Kenwood, G.C. Family, Church of the King, St. Joe, Trinity & Faithview. Bible Baptist and Nugent are questionable.
Women - Northwood, The Well, Campground, Goodwill, Church of the King, 1st Baptist Biloxi, St. Thomas, St. James & Trinity. Bible Baptist is questionable.
Co-Ed - The Well, Campground, Goodwill, Kenwood, G.C. Family, Church of the King & 1st Baptist Biloxi. Nugent, Bible Baptist & Trinity are questionable.
There is MAJOR sewer/road work being done on Old Hwy 49 and Nugent Rd. Depending on what they get done today, you might have to enter the church's parking lot on the west side of the red sanctuary building.

This is what I posted following our meeting.
Men - The Well, Nugent, Campground, Northwood 1, Northwood 2, Goodwill, Michael Memorial, Kenwood, G.C. Family, Church of the King, St. Joe, Trinity, Bible Baptist & Faithview.
Women - Northwood, The Well, Campground, Goodwill, Church of the King, 1st Baptist Biloxi, Bible Baptist, St. Thomas & St. James, Trinity.
Co-Ed - The Well, Nugent, Campground, Goodwill, Kenwood, G.C. Family, Church of the King, Trinity, 1st Baptist Biloxi & Bible Baptist.
Since then, Trinity has dropped the Co-Ed team and added a woman's team and it looks very doubtful for Nugent's men and Co-Ed team.
I need to know ASAP if anything else has changed.
Our coach's meetings will be at Nugent on April 9th and 16th at 615, but we'll meet in the choir room, located in the red sanctuary building.
Please please please let me know ASAP if the above list is incorrect.
Everyone needs to read this closely and let me know if I've missed someone or if I have your church listed incorrectly.
Men - The Well, Nugent, Campground, Northwood 1, Northwood 2, Goodwill, Michael Memorial, Kenwood, G.C. Family, Church of the King, St. Joe, Trinity, Bible Baptist & Faithview.
Women - Northwood, The Well, Campground, Goodwill, Church of the King, 1st Baptist Biloxi, Bible Baptist, St. Thomas & St. James.
Co-Ed - The Well, Nugent, Campground, Goodwill, Kenwood, G.C. Family, Church of the King, Trinity, 1st Baptist Biloxi & Bible Baptist.
Coach's meetings will be Monday April 9th and Monday April 16th at 615 pm. The $250 fee, rosters signed by the pastor, under 18 consent forms and church contact forms are due at the coach's meeting you attend. If your church has specific dates you can't play, those dates are due on April 9th. They will not be accepted after the first coach's meeting.
The season is tentatively set to begin on May 14th.
Harrison County Church Softball League will meet on Monday March 12th at 615 pm. The meeting will be held at Nugent United Methodist Church, located at the corner of John Clark Rd and Old Hwy 49 in Gulfport. The league will consist of men's, women's and co-ed teams. Any church interested must attend this meeting. For more info send an email to

We are raining out tonight's tournament games. We'll play Tuesday, Thursday and NEXT Monday.

July 18, 2017
Last night we had probably the best end of season meeting ever. The only church not represented was LDS. Other teams not represented were Campground B, Michael Memorial B and Michael Memorial ladies. Though their churches were represented. I trust those coaches to get the message to their 'B' and lady's teams.
I really appreciate everyone that came and participated.
Our league is in a better financial position this year and we are making changes to benefit our league.
Next year we will have three divisions. We'll have a coed division, a men's division and a women's division. We'll play coed on a separate night so players can play both if they wish. We'll have by-law meetings in January to no only review our current by-laws, but we'll develop our coed by'laws as well. Those dates will be determined later this year. We will have an end of season tournament next week (7/24). We have 6, maybe 8 teams. The following 6 are in, Northwood, Campground, Gulf Coast Family, Trinity, Kenwood and Nugent. Faithview and the Well will let me know today. We'll either have 6 or 8. If both Faithview and the Well can't make it, Nugent will back out keeping the number at 6. If neither play, then Nugent will stay in.
Elections were held and the 2018 board will be, Jimmy Spears - President, Todd Spears - Vice President, Nora Klien - Treasurer and at large members Peanut Callahan and Lamar Courtney. We still need a secretary. If you are interested give me a call or shoot me an email or text. The $150 tournament entry fee is due Monday night before your first game.
God bless!

Wednesday July 12, 2017
With our 2017 season in the rear view mirror I'd love to report that it was a successful season. But I can't do that. Yes we had some fun moments, but I am very disappointed in the number of forfeits we had this year. We all paid good money to play this year and there were just too many forfeits. I know of one team that of their 12 games, four were forfeits. Folks that just not fun. You put that on top of the amount of whining and complaining over small things just makes it not fun at all. This league is supposed to be about the Almighty God and Christian fellowship. Not the almighty won-loss record. It's an excellent outreach tool and a good way for a healthy activity. I've been asked about the end of season tournament. Only three teams have expressed an interest in playing. Personally, I don't think a team that has forfeited a game should be allowed to participate in the tournament. Though that's not a rule we've adopted. But the rules are clear, you can NOT pick up a player for the tournament and all tournament players must have played in at least four (4) regular season games. The entry fee is $150 per team and is due at our meeting Monday. But the deadline to enter is 10 pm tonight (Wednesday). I have to get with the city tomorrow (Thursday 7/13/17) to ensure we have fields for the tournament to begin either the 18th or 24th. And again, the meeting Monday 7/17/17 615 pm at Nugent UMC is an important meeting. All churches need to be represented.

Tuesday June 20, 2017
The weather is only going to get worse as the day (and week) goes so we are canceling tonight's games. I'll let you know when the schedule is re-done with the make up games.

5/17/17 (140 pm)
Our schedule has been revised.

May 16, 2017
​I received a call today from a lady in Jackson regarding the Mississippi Baptist State Softball Tournament. It's a non-denominational tournament. If you're interested click here for more info and the entry form.

April 25, 2017
Good meeting last night. Our leagues are set.
Men A - Northwood, Nugent, Kenwood, LDS, Campground A, Bible Baptist, Michael Memorial B, Goodwill.
Men B - 1st Baptist Long Beach, Faithview, St. Joe, Michael Memorial G, Campground B, G.C.F.C., The Well, Trinity.
Women - St. James, St. Thomas, Campground, Michael Memorial, 1st Baptist Biloxi, Bible Baptist, Goodwill, The Well.
Our season will begin on May 30th. There is a possibility that Ms Nora will need to schedule a few games prior to that date. If you've not turned in a calendar with requested off days you need to do that TODAY! The following is the list of teams I have down as needing softballs. Let me know ASAP TODAY if I've missed you. Northwood, Nugent, LDS (2-doz), Campground A, B and Women, Trinity, 1st Baptist Biloxi. I'll post again when the schedule link is active.

April 24, 2017
Just to clear something up ... although we would like all fees, rosters and forms to be turned in tonight, ultimately only the fees MUST be paid today. Rosters and forms can be turned in the night of your first game. Please remember it is not our responsibility to track you down to collect your roster and forms. You need to find us. The umpires will have a list of all teams needing to turn in rosters and forms. Your game will not start until rosters and all supporting forms are turned in (and not to the umpire). Please know we appreciate everyone that gets all their 'stuff' in on time.
Don't forget... our FINAL coach's meeting is tonight at 615 at Nugent UMC. Any church not represented at the meeting on the 10th MUST attend tonight. Any church that fails to attend at least one of these meetings will not participate in the league this year.

April 19, 2017
I need all coach's to take a look at this and let me know if someone is missing. We only had five churches that were not represented at the April 10th meeting. This is also the tentative league break down. It is subject to change.
Men A - Northwood, Nugent, Kenwood, Campground A, Bible Baptist & Michael Memorial B. Also in this league, but did not attend the meeting is, LDS and 1st Baptist Long Beach.
Men B - Faithview, Michael Memorial G, Campground B, G.C.F.C., The Well & Trinity. Not attending the meeting were Bel-Aire and St. Joe.
Women - St. James, Campground, Michael Memorial, 1st Baptist Biloxi, Bible Baptist, Goodwill Missionary Baptist & The Well. Not attending was St. Thomas.
If you didn't attend the meeting on the 10th you must attend the meeting on the 24th. If you didn't pay your fees and turn in your SIGNED roster, at large forms, under 18 consent forms and your church contact sheet, you need to either bring it to the meeting or drop it off to me at WXXV-TV M-F 8-5, before the 24th. Let me know if there are any questions.

​April 3, 2017
LOCATION: Nugent UMC located at the corner of John Clark Road, Old HWY 49 and Nugent Road in Gulfport (Orange Grove). Fees, rosters, at large letters and under 18 consent forms are due at the meeting. If you don't have it for the meeting on the 10th you'll need to get them to me no later than our meeting on the 24th.
New teams added for this year, Men: First UMC Long Beach & Trinity UMC. Women: Nugent UMC & Goodwill Missionary Baptist Church, First UMC Long Beach and Bible Baptist.
Finally, we are again in search for a league secretary. If you're interested in serving on the board let me know.

March 20, 2017
As we get closer to the 2017 coaches meetings (April 10th and 24th), I want to reach out one more time. It looks like Nugent UMC will be adding a women's team. I've still not heard anything from Lyman. If you know of a church that wants to enter a team, either men or women, NOW is the time to get in contact with me. This is what we have as of now.
Men - Northwood, Nugent, Kenwood, LDS, Campground, Bible Baptist, 1st Baptist Long Beach, Bel-Aire, Michael Memorial B, Faithview, St. Joseph, Michael Memorial G, Campground B, Gulf Coast Family Church of Nazarene, 1st UMC Long Beach, Trinity UMC.

Women - St. James, St. Thomas, Campground, Michael Memorial, 1st Baptist Biloxi, St. Joseph, 1st UMC Long Beach, Bible Baptist & Nugent UMC

February 7, 2017
We had our first board meeting for the 2017 season last night. Our season begins 5/30. Games will be played at Goldin Complex on Prudie Circle. Entry fee will be $250 per team and teams must supply their own Classic M (men) or Classic W (women) 44 core, 325 compression softball. There will be two coaches meetings this year, EVERY TEAM MUST ATTEND at least one of these meetings. They will be held at Nugent UMC at 615pm on April 10th and 24th. Teams only have to attend one of the meetings. But know that any voting to be done on our by laws will take place at the April 10th meeting only.
As of now, this is our list of teams.
Men - Northwood, Nugent, Kenwood, LDS, Campground, Bible Baptist, 1st Baptist Long Beach, Bel-Aire, Michael Memorial B, Faithview, St. Joseph, Michael Memorial G, Campground B, Gulf Coast Family Church of Nazarene, 1st UMC Long Beach, Trinity UMC.
Women - St. James, St. Thomas, Campground, Michael Memorial, 1st Baptist Biloxi, St. Joseph & 1st UMC Long Beach.
Any other churches that want in, now is the time to reach out.

January 23, 2017
I've not heard from the following churches. If anyone knows if these teams are planning to return please let me know.

Men - Latter Day Saints, Bible Baptist and 1st Baptist Lyman. Women - Campground, 1st Baptist Biloxi and 1st Baptist Long Beach.
January 16, 2017
Happy 2017! We are beginning to plan this season. We'll be having a board meeting on 2/6/17 at which time we'll schedule our coaches meeting(s). If you're a new church and would be interested in joining our league please use the contact us link at the top of this page. If you're a returning church keep checking here and our Facebook page for more info. If you're a board member I'll see you at 615 on 2/6/17.
We've lost two of the coed teams. We only have four, Nugent, Northwood, Campground and G.C.F.C.N. I need to know ASAP (TODAY) if anyone else is planning to play. Again, the season will run Sept-Oct on Tues and Thurs nights. For more info send me an email.