Common Accounting System For Pacs Software

  1. Common Accounting System For Pacs Software Solutions
  2. Common Accounting System For Pacs Software Company
  3. Common Accounting System For Pacs Software Companies

Solver Accounting Software Provides a graphical tree structured and flexible chart of accounts. The Accounts Tree offers the most convenient way to manage accounts. You can Group, ungroup, and regroup your accounts, change account specifications, modify or delete them at any time. The introduction of a Uniform Accounting System for Primary Agriculture Cooperative Credit Society (PACS) would depend upon a number of factors like adoption of Common Financial Statements by PACS. COMMON ACCOUNTING SYSTEM INTRODUCTION 1. Most of the State Cooperative Societies Acts have provisions regarding preparation and submission of financial statements such as Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Trading Account of PACS. However, the formats for financial statements of PACS have not been prescribed in many States.

PrimaryAgricultural Credit Society (PACS) is agriculture based association oflike minded people. Here, people from farming background assembles themselvesand create an association to benefit rural farmers. PACS is a part ofCooperative Society sector in India.

PACSmainly work in the rural and remote areas on the country. There are more than95,000 different Primary Agricultural Credit Society that we can find in India.They are mainly involved in providing agricultural Finance.

Primary AgriculturalCredit Society Software

Asthe PACS are involved in providing financial services, they also need toutilize fully-fledged banking type software. It is called as Primary Agricultural Credit Society Software or PACS Software in short. These kinds ofapplications are vital to carry on such businesses and generate growth for thesociety.

Common accounting system for pacs software

Modules of PACSSoftware

PACSsoftware comes with a large numbers of advantages. It’s more or less similar tothe other kinds of finance management software. Hence, people can expectsimilar kinds of advantages by utilizing them. Let’s take a look at theadvantages of PACS Software by checking its section and modules.


  • Administer the membership details with the master membership module. With this module agricultural societies can add, edit and delete any kind of membership and their records.
  • Supervises over the loan eligibility criteria and the loan details. From the loan application processing to the approval and disbursement – all can be managed with it.
  • Master repayment Module enables the society organization to collect loan repayments in some simple methods. The mobile app for the representatives allows them to update live repayment info.

Primary Benefits ofour Primary Agricultural Credit Society Software

Compatible withNABARD System

OurPACS Software is fully compatible with NABARD oriented CAS (Common AccountingSystem). It assures that all recommended settings and configuration measurementshave been followed properly as mentioned in the CAS.

Search and FindDetails

Common Accounting System For Pacs Software Solutions

ThePACS software comes with easy search and finds facility that enables clients ofthe Primary Agricultural Society to rapidly and effectively look forindividuals and to easily enter the tasks modules. The PACS client gets a quickperspective on the member’s previous credit record as a consumer alongside the transactions.

Simple to Use, Richin Features

Ifapplications are easy and simple to use, then it can provide many advantages tothe users. Our PACS Software is very simple to utilize, but it is very rich interms of features. It’s very easy to explore and navigate all the sections andmodules of the application.

Multiple LanguageSupport

Asthe Primary Agricultural Credit Societies are exclusive only in India, hence itis important to make it compatible to use in different kinds of IndianLanguages. The PACS Software’s user interface can be accessed in Bengali,Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi etc,languages.

Common Accounting System For Pacs Software Company


Common Accounting System For Pacs Software Companies