Missing Localized Strings Here Office For Mac 2016

  • The Outlook app is missing handsfree safety features to join meetings while traveling like Siri and Google Voice. We're passing laws to prohibit touching mobile phones, yet we allow software manufacturers to create applications to reduce safety when traveling for business.
  • Office 2016 for Mac is a version of Office that’s available as a one-time purchase from a retail store or through a volume licensing agreement. It will be supported with security updates and bug fixes, as needed, until October 13, 2020. The minimum supported macOS for Office 2016 for Mac is 10.10 (Yosemite).
  • Missing customizations in Office Word for Mac after installing 2016 version. In theory you should be able to go here. During the beta release of Office 2016 I.
  1. Missing Localized Strings Here Office For Mac 2016
  2. Missing Localized Strings Here Office For Mac 2016 Version
  3. Missing Localized Strings Here Office For Mac 2016 Download
Missing Localized Strings Here Office For Mac 2016

I have a user on a current Mac Pro running Yosemite. She downloaded Office 2016 recently now that our company has gone to Office 365. All Office programs are showing strange A in a squre placeholders in menus, tabs, sign in screens, etc. I've checked Font Book for disabled fonts and there are none.

A very commonly requested Excel feature is the ability to add labels to XY chart data points. The XY Chart Labeler adds this feature to Excel. The XY Chart Labeler provides the following options:

  • Add XY Chart Labels - Adds labels to the points on your XY Chart data series based on any range of cells in the workbook.
  • Move XY Chart Labels - Moves the entire set of data labels or individual labels in any direction and in the increment of your choosing.
  • Manual Labeler - When you don't want to label an entire data series, but rather use data labels to highlight specific data points, the manual labeler allows you to do this.
  • Delete Chart Labels - Allows you to quickly delete data labels from a single chart series or all series on a chart.

Even though this utility is called the XY Chart Labeler, it is capable of labeling any type of Excel chart series that will accept data labels.


  • Windows - Download the XY Chart Labeler for Windows (Version 7.1.07)
  • Mac Excel 2011 - Download the XY Chart Labeler for Mac Office 2011
  • Mac Excel 2016 - Download the XY Chart Labeler for Mac Office 2016

Getting Started

Missing Localized Strings Here Office For Mac 2016

If you need help getting started with the XY Chart Labeler, download this instructions document. You may need to right-click on the hyperlink and choose Save Target As from the shortcut menu to download this PDF document.

Technical Note TN2435

This tech note is for app developers on macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS who are modularizing their code into frameworks. It demonstrates how to embed frameworks built as dependencies of an app for different project configurations. This tech note also provides troubleshooting steps for common issues encountered when embedding frameworks.

Configuring Your Project
Embedding a Framework

What is a framework?

A framework is a hierarchical directory that encapsulates a dynamic library, header files, and resources, such as storyboards, image files, and localized strings, into a single package. Apps using frameworks need to embed the framework in the app's bundle.

Adding A Framework Target

Apps wishing to utilize frameworks to share code across different parts of their application, such as between an app and an app extension, need to start from the framework template appropriate for the app's target platform. The framework target can be added to the same project as the app target, or it can be added to a separate Xcode project.

  1. Create a new Xcode target and select the framework template appropriate for your app's target platform.

  2. Add all of the framework source files to the new target's Compile Sources build phase.

  3. Set the visibility of header files needed by clients of the framework to Public.

  4. Add the public headers to the umbrella header file. If your framework is named YourFramework, the umbrella header is named YourFramework.h.

  5. Follow the steps in Configuring Your Project to configure the new framework target as a dependency of the app target.

Configuring Your Project

Before embedding a framework, set up your Xcode project so the app target depends on the framework target. The following sections describe how to set up this dependency for common project scenarios.

Apps with One Xcode Project

Apps with one Xcode project containing an app target and a framework target can go on to the Embedding a Framework section.

Apps with Multiple Xcode Projects

Apps not using an Xcode workspace that depend on a framework in a different Xcode project should configure the app project using these instructions:

  1. Open the app’s Xcode project.

  2. In Finder, locate the framework Xcode project. Drag this Xcode project from Finder to the Project Navigator, inside of the app project. This nests a reference to the framework project in the app project, as shown in Figure 1.

  3. Follow the steps in Embedding a Framework.

Apps with an Xcode Workspace and Multiple Xcode Projects

Apps using an Xcode workspace that depend on a framework in a different Xcode project should configure the app project using these instructions:

  1. Open the Xcode workspace.

  2. Add each Xcode project to the workspace with File > Add Files to 'Workspace Name.'

  3. Follow the steps in Embedding a Framework.

Missing Localized Strings Here Office For Mac 2016

Apps with Dependencies Between Frameworks

An umbrella framework is a framework bundle that contains other frameworks. While it is possible to create umbrella frameworks for macOS apps, doing so is unnecessary for most developers and is not recommended. Umbrella frameworks are not supported on iOS, watchOS, or tvOS.

In nearly all cases, you should include your code in a single, standard framework bundle. If your code is sufficiently modular, you can create multiple frameworks, where the dependencies between frameworks is minimal or nonexistent.

If your app has dependencies between frameworks, configure the dependency with these instructions:

  1. In the framework target's General settings, add the frameworks it depends on to the Linked Frameworks and Libraries section, as shown in Figure 2.

  2. In the app project, follow the instructions for Embedding a Framework. The app target is responsible for embedding all of the frameworks, including any frameworks that other frameworks depend on.

Embedding a Framework

The steps to embed a framework vary, depending on the type of app you are building. The following sections describe how to embed the framework inside the built app for the different types of apps.

Embedding a Framework in an iMessage App

Important: This section only applies to iMessage apps. For iOS apps providing an iMessage Extension, see Embedding a Framework in iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS Apps.

  1. Open the iMessage app’s Xcode project or workspace.

  2. Go to the Build Phases for the iMessage extension target.

  3. Add the framework to the Link Binaries With Libraries list. See Figure 3.

  4. Go to the Build Phases for the iMessage app target.

  5. Add a New Copy Files Phase by selecting the Add icon, highlighted in Figure 4. Set the Destination field to Frameworks, and add the framework to the list. Ensure Code Sign on Copy is checked.

Embedding a Framework in iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS Apps

  1. Open the app’s Xcode project or workspace.

  2. Go to the app target’s General configuration page.

  3. Add the framework target to the Embedded Binaries section by clicking the Add icon, highlighted in Figure 5. Do not drag in the framework from Finder.

  4. Select your framework from the list of binaries that can be embedded.


The following sections describe common errors when embedding frameworks, and steps for resolving each type of error.

Configuration Errors

The following errors are caused by a project configuration that embeds a framework built for a build configuration that is different from the build configuration for the app.

To fix any of these errors:

  1. Open the Project Navigator.

  2. Look for items referencing a framework that your app builds as a dependency that is not in the Products section. Figure 6 shows an example.

  3. Delete this item from the Project Navigator. Select 'Remove Reference' on the confirmation dialog.

  4. Follow the steps in Configuring Your Project.

Bundle Errors

Missing Framework Bundle

The following error indicates a framework is missing from the app bundle.

To fix this error:

  1. Follow the steps in Inspecting A Binary's Linkage.

  2. In the results from the previous step, find the lines starting with @rpath that are not listed in the Embedded Binaries section in the app target's General settings.

  3. Remove the frameworks identified in the previous step from the Linked Frameworks and Libraries section in the app target's General settings.

  4. Embed the frameworks by following the steps in Embedding a Framework.

Embedded .dylib Files

The following errors may indicate your app is embedding a dynamic library that is not packaged as a framework. Dynamic libraries outside of a framework bundle, which typically have the file extension .dylib, are not supported on iOS, watchOS, or tvOS, except for the system Swift libraries provided by Xcode.

To determine if the cause of these errors is due to having a dynamic library outside of framework:

  1. In the Xcode Organizer, right click on the archive producing the error and select 'Show In Finder.'

  2. Right click on the .xcarchive and select 'Show Package Contents.'

  3. Navigate to the Products/Applications directory.

  4. Open Terminal, and run the command in Listing 1. You can drag and drop the .app from Finder to Terminal to fill in the path.

  5. Look for any file in the output whose name does not begin with libSwift.

  6. Convert the library identified in the previous step to a framework by following the steps in Adding A Framework Target.

Note: The Invalid Swift Support errors shown here can also indicate a problem with how the app was archived. If you didn't find any dynamic libraries in the Terminal output above, consult the Xcode documentation for submitting apps to the App Store to ensure that you are using the correct archive process for the App Store.

Listing 1 Terminal command to find .dylib files

Embedded Static Libraries

The following error indicates your app embedded a static library.

This is caused by placing a static library in a bundle structure that looks like a framework; this packaging is sometimes referred to by third party framework developers as a static framework. Since the binary in these situations is a static library, apps cannot embed it in the app bundle.

If you are building your own static library and using shell scripts to package it in a .framework directory, you need to migrate to building a framework with a dynamic library instead, as this is the correct way to build a framework. Static frameworks are not a supported way of sharing static libraries. To migrate to a framework using a dynamic library, consult Adding A Framework Target.

If you use third party libraries that you do not build yourself, you can solve this error by identifying the static framework and removing it from the Embedded Binaries section.

  1. Follow the steps in Inspecting A Binary's Linkage.

  2. In the results from the previous step, compare the entries starting with @rpath in the Terminal output to the libraries listed in the Embedded Binaries section on the app target's General settings. Any library listed in the app target's General settings but not the Terminal output is likely the source of the problem.

  3. Confirm each of the libraries identified in the previous step is a static library by running the command in Listing 2 in the Terminal. If the library is a static library, the output of the file command will look like Listing 3.

  4. Once you've confirmed the library is static, go to the Build Phases for the app target in Xcode. Remove this library from any build phase named 'Copy Files' or 'Embed Frameworks.' The library should remain in the 'Link Binary with Libraries' section.

Listing 2 Terminal command to determine if a binary is a static library

Listing 3 Example output for a static library

Inspecting A Binary's Linkage

Some errors require inspecting a binary to see what libraries it is linked against, and comparing this information to the project setup in Xcode. Follow these steps to inspect the binary when directed to by specific troubleshooting sections, and use the results as indicated by that troubleshooting section.

  1. In the Xcode Organizer, right click on the archive producing the error and select 'Show In Finder.'

  2. Right click on the .xcarchive and select 'Show Package Contents.'

  3. Navigate to the Products/Applications directory. Right click on the .app and select 'Show Package Contents.'

  4. Find your app's binary, usually named the same as the app's target in Xcode. Open Terminal, and run the command in Listing 4. You can drag and drop the binary from Finder to the Terminal to fill in the path.

  5. Repeat these steps for any app extensions or frameworks in your .app. Make sure to give the otool command the path to the binary, and not the outer .framework or .appex directory.

Listing 4 Terminal command to list all of the libraries dynamically linked to a binary

The output of this Terminal command lists all of the dynamic libraries a binary is linked against, for each architecture in the binary.

Note: The system Swift libraries (libraries whose name starts with libSwift) will be listed in the Terminal output, but not in Embedded Binaries section of the app target's General settings. This is expected.

Document Revision History


Added information for embedding frameworks in iMessage apps and expanded Troubleshooting section


New document that demonstrates how to embed a framework for different project configurations, and how to troubleshoot common errors

Missing Localized Strings Here Office For Mac 2016 Version

Missing Localized Strings Here Office For Mac 2016 Download

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