Pixie Hollow Is Back

In the end, Gruff is considered a hero to Pixie Hollow. As he helps its denizens, Fawn learns that it is time for Gruff to go back into hibernation for a thousand years. A long ceremonial procession leads him back to his cave, at the end of which Tinker Bell, Rosetta, Silvermist, Iridessa, Vidia, Fawn and even Nyx all pay their final respects. This has been a big question on everyone’s mind since the second Pixie Hollow closed. Lots of pixies claimed that Pixie Hollow would return in January of 2014. Others said it was coming in early summer. Some even claim that it will come back this summer. What we want to know is if they have any facts. Pixie Hollow Online was a great family-friendly online simulation game revolving around the world of the Disney Fairies. It was taken down on September 19, 2013, and with it came a lot of disappointed individuals including myself. Dulcie is a baking-talent fairy. The only thing Dulcie loves more than making delicious treats is watching other fairies eat them. Dulcie appears in many of the books and appears to be one of the best bakers in Pixie Hollow. She is typically a background character, simply mentioned as being the baker in charge of breakfast, lunch and dinner. She is friends with Pell and Pluck. Beck is an animal-talent fairy who loves animals. Beck can talk to raccoons, squirrels and other animals of Pixie Hollow. Beck also is the caretaker of Mother Dove, and protecter of her. Beck also longs to see the world outside of Pixie Hollow, and joins the explorer birds on a journey across Neverland using Vidia' special Pixie Dust made from plucked feathers from Mother.

Hey guys, it’s your favorite fairy blogger, and I was checking out my blog when I realized that I haven’t posted in forever. I’ve moved to a different state and only posted twice. And now, I’ll admit that the whole fiasco about Pixie Hollow closing has made me want to write more posts. Because I refuse to say goodbye.

I feel really bad for not having posted or checking WordPress in forever. I’ve been sucked into the world of fandoms, roleplaying, fanfiction, and Wikia. I’ve seriously turned into an extreme fangirl. And I’ve been so distracted with my roleplaying website that I haven’t posted in a good post with a lot of thought into it in over a year. But trust me, once you’ve been sucked into the fandom world, there is no leaving. Ever.

But when Topaz informed me that Pixie Hollow was closing, I got really upset. I’ve been using Pixie Hollow for forever, and I can’t just give it up now. Seriously. It’s a part of me, and I can’t imagine it not being there.

Even after I’ve been sucked into the world of Percy Jackson and Doctor Who.

And then the hardest part I have to think about: What will become of the Fairy Bloggers?

I’ve made many great and fantastic adventures with you guys, and us Fairy Bloggers NEEDto stick together. I can’t imagine being without you guys, like Sunrise, Marigold, Strawberry, and Octavia. Even though I haven’t been posting, I’ve always been here, reading your posts, liking, and commenting. I haven’t forgotten about you guys.

A lot of you other bloggers have been really busy, too. But I love each and every one of your blogs, I’m so glad that I’ve inspired that many people. I read all of your posts and I love the feedback you guys give me. You all mean a lot.

But I refuse to say goodbye. I don’t know if I’ll be on Pixie Hollow by the closing, which is in exactly one week, it reminds me of a book I recently read called Matched where everyone has a planned death and knows exactly when they die. That’s what the closing reminds me of.

And when Pixie Hollow becomes just a memory? I can’t imagine it. If you’ve ever read The Kingdom Keepers, or if you’re a primary source, there once was a website called VMK, Virtual Magic Kingdom, which closed in 2008, though I’m not one hundred percent sure why it closed. I always laughed and then thought to myself that it wasn’t going to happen to Pixie Hollow anytime soon. But that was about one year ago.

None of us saw the end coming, until we heard about the news. I can’t believe it. People have been signing petitions to try and get the Hollow saved, and I’m not very optimistic, but I’m hoping that the Disney officials or the Never Council will reconsider. I haven’t signed any petitions yet, but it’s because I’m not comfortable with putting my e-mail or personal information out there.

I’ll try to be posting again, this time I’ll really try, but I have a lot of homework, as my school has started again. Hopefully we will be able to save the Hollow in the week we have left!

Fairy Hollow Game

Fly with you,

Pixie Hollow Zoom Background

Pixie Hollow Is BackPixie

Rachel 😉

P.S. I just read about Pirates of the Caribbean closing on the same day as Pixie Hollow. My life is officially over. No good childhood memories for me.