Ansys License Price

Ansys license cost per year

in Ansys Products

I am setting up the license for our ANSYS users right now.

Right now, to grant access to ANSYS on our systems for specific users, I am using the environment variables:
export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@license_system_info_here (for each individual user)

A yearly tech support licensing fee can cost about $400 per year. ANSYS offers bundles, which include the solver and the pre/post processor, at about $5,000. 1 ModelChecker (7-10 user license) $12,300.00 $12,300.00 ANSYS model diagnosis tool Licensing based on number of ANSYS licenses on site 2 ModelChecker PECS 1 $2,460.00 $2,460.00 (Program Enhancements and Customer Support) 12 months Unlimited telephone hotline support Product updates and new revisions TOTAL: $14,760.00. ANSYS Workbench SwiftComp GUI is a plugin to power ANSYS with efficient high-fidelity multiscale, multiphysics modeling for composites. It assures the best models at a given level of efficiency in any scale the user chooses, linking micromechanics and structural analysis. ANSYS LaaS that offers needs-based ANSYS software, allowing 24/7 use through a contingent booked in advance. You will benefit from receiving a direct license, a comprehensive software portfolio, and license assignment billing that is accurate down to the exact second if. You only need simulation software for specific projects. . Open port numbers for both the FlexNet and ANSYS Licensing Interconnect. Defaults are 1055 and 2325, respectively. To verify that these port numbers are available, open a command line and enter the following command: netstat -a -p tcp You will see a list of active ports. If 1055 and 2325 are listed, they are already in use and cannot be.

based on the information posted here:


However, '1055@license_system_info_here' is not a real license file.

Ansys License Price

Is there any ANSYS variable that allows me to keep the license information in a real file (so that we have more management for the access control)?

Ansys Icepak License Price

Here is what we expect:

Ansys License Price Malaysia

  • There will be no default license at ansyslmd.ini.
  • We will provide a license file like this to users:
    $ cat mylicensefile

Ansys Hfss License Price


  • Define a variable to point to the license file like:
    export ANSYS_LICENSE=mylicensefile

Thanks a lot,

Ansys Hpc License Price


  • 3240 El Camino Real #290, Irvine, CA 92602Posts: 3,071Forum Coordinator

    So, basically you want to know if there is an environment variable to set a non-default location of ansyslmd.ini file.

    I don't think this is possible.

    However, there is a workaround to achieve something similar to this but the content of the file is not the same syntax as that in ansyslmd.ini.

    The content must be like this:

    SERVER <servername> ANY <FlexNet_port>

    VENDOR ansyslmd


    INCREMENT any ansyslmd any

    Only <servername> and <FlexNet_port> part must be replaced by the actual server information. The rest must be exactly like this.

    Then, you can just set ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE to point to this file.

  • edited May 2020

    That works for me. Thanks a lot.

    Do I need the 'ANSYSLI_SERVERS' settings in the file as well like:

    ANSYSLI_SERVERS mymachine ANY 2325

    Best wishes,

  • 3240 El Camino Real #290, Irvine, CA 92602Posts: 3,071Forum Coordinator

    Perfect ! Glad it works for you !

    The ANSYSLI_SERVERS is needed only if your License Manager is not running ANSYS LI (Licensing Interconnect) on its default port (2325).

    So, if you are using 2325, there is no need to set it anywhere (environment variable or in that file).

  • edited May 2020
  • 3240 El Camino Real #290, Irvine, CA 92602Posts: 3,071Forum Coordinator